About Forwords communication services, Zurich, Switzerland
Forwords is the name for Stan Fineman’s communication services.
Communications experience:
London: trainee copywriter at McCann Erickson; assistant, Doyle Dane Bernbach.
New York: as part of Interpublic Inc.’s training program I completed copywriting internships, including at McCann Erickson, where I worked on a major car account, and at Erwin Wasey where I worked on a major car rental account.
Toronto: copywriter at Vickers & Benson Ltd, (V&B), a top creative shop, where I worked on a large range of accounts. V&B is now part of Arnold Worldwide. I left V&B to attend university, and completed a bachelor’s degree (University of Guelph) and a master’s degree
(University of Toronto). Following clinical work in Canada and England I began further clinical studies in Zurich.
During psychology studies I was hired by McKinsey & Company, Inc., Switzerland, where I worked as a translator and editor, 1997-2010.
And now I’m looking forward to working with you, whether as translator, editor, writer, idea generator or sparring partner.